Installation for Terminal Server

Installation for Terminal Server

The following explains how to install Acclaim Solaria in a terminal server environment.

Installation Instructions

This describes how Acclaim Solaria needs to be installed and configured to work in a Terminal Server environment and how to upgrade it for future releases. Note that Acclaim Legal Solutions cannot support Terminal Server itself and how to install it, install software on it, or how to set up users on it. This document only explains how Solaria files should be set up for each user’s profile. Each user must have their own Windows log in credentials.

Installation/Upgrade Instructions
1. Log into the server as the admin user.
2. Download the installer from Acclaim Legal’s website.
3. Close all instances of AcclaimSolaria.exe that are open with Task Manager.
4. Make sure all users are signed off and do not have Solaria open.  
The following PowerShell commands can be run to do these steps automatically.  Be sure to RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR and update the version to download:
    # Download the installer (update the version shown)
    Invoke-WebRequest -O  C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\AcclaimSolaria665b008.exe

    # Stop all Acclaim Solaria executables running for all users
    Get-Process acclaimsolaria | Stop-Process -Force

    # Log off all users except the current user
    quser | Select-String "Disc" | ForEach {logoff ($_.tostring() -split ‘ +’)[2]} 

Double-check after this to make sure all Solaria instances are closed and no users are listed in Task Manager.

5. Back up your Solaria database.
6. Install Acclaim Solaria. It will install the main program in C:\Programs Files\Acclaim Legal Solutions\Acclaim Solaria. It will also put files in the admin user’s …\AppData\Local folder.  

Copying Files to User Profiles

Files can then be copied from the admin’s local AppData folder to each user’s profile; however, the registration files need to be excluded and not overwritten or it will lose their registration information and prompt to register again. We recommend doing the following:

A. Create a text file named “ExcludedFiles.txt” with the following text in it (4 separate lines):


    PDF Reports\

B. Create a text file in the same folder named “Copy Solaria to Users.bat” with the following command in it (all one line – no hard returns):

  xcopy /S /I /E /H /Y "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Acclaim Legal Solutions\Acclaim Solaria" "C:\Users\User1\AppData\Local\Acclaim Legal Solutions\Acclaim Solaria" /EXCLUDE:ExcludedFiles.txt

C. Copy this line for each user’s profile, replacing “User1” with each user’s profile name. You’ll have one line per user profile.

D. After making sure all Solaria instances are closed and all users are signed off (as described above), double-click on the “Copy Solaria to Users.bat” file to copy the files for the Solaria installation to each profile.

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